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Join Us and Meet Leading Energy Experts to
Uncover Thailand’s Latest Energy Master Plan and
Discuss How Businesses Can Accelerate Green Energy and Energy Efficiency Goals!

8 out of 10 ASEAN countries have set clear climate targets. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has declared that Thailand will aim to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065 (if not before). In order to fulfil these pledges, Thailand is updating its Energy Master plan, with expected increased targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Many technical solutions are available today to help businesses improve their productivity and contributions towards building a greener environment using renewable energy and enhanced integrated energy efficiency solutions.


Join us at the seminar co-organized by Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association (APUEA) and Yokogawa Thailand to examine Thailand's latest energy policies, climate targets, and how the energy market will transit and change in the next few decades. The event will also include presentations and discussions on technology and solutions that can help Thailand and businesses in the renewable field to fulfil their energy efficiency and sustainable development goals.


Registration is free. Limited seats are available on a first come first serve basis.




08:30 : 09:00
09:00 : 09:05
09:05 : 09:20

09:20 : 09:50


09:50 : 10:20

10:20 : 10:40
10:40 : 11:20


11:20 : 12:00
12:00 : 13:00
13:00 : 13:30

13:30 : 14:00



14:00 : 14:30


14:30 : 15:30




15:30 : 16:00
16:00 : 16:30

Registration & Networking

Safety Briefing by Venue Provider

Opening Address

Mr. Preechai Trannitad

MD of Yokogawa Thailand

Welcome Address and Session Introduction: Renewable Energy Outlook in ASEAN 

Mr. Peter Lundberg

Executive Director - Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association 

Thailand Integrated Energy Blueprint - Overview of energy targets and policy in Thailand  

Dr. Poonpat Leesombatpiboon

Executive Director of International Affairs Division Ministry of Energy, Thailand

AM Tea Break

Holistic Energy Storage for Increased Productivity and Profitability (with mentions of our partnering vendors)

Mr. Vachan Alva

Head of Sales, Renewables & Power Yokogawa Engineering Asia 

Smart Energy Managament Solution for Industrial Estate (Customer presentation)

Lunch & Demo Visit

Achieving Thailands Renewable Energy Targets - Challenges and Opportunities

Success Story: Horizon Power (HP) 
- journey of project and lessons learnt (HP)
- PXiSE practical application (HP)
- Collaboration between HP & PXiSE (Patrick & HP)

Mr.Lee Ucich

Engineering Consultant Energy Transition Engineering Services (ETES) 

Maximise Productivity with Effective Microgrid Management

Mr. Joe Sullivan

Head of Sales PXiSE Energy Solutions

Panel Discussion (Depending on profile of participants:
- Round table format for key decision makers
- Panel for working level professionals)

Mr. Peter Lundberg 

Executive Director - Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association

Lucky Draw & Closing

PM Teabreak & Networking

Our Speakers

Receive Complimentary Materials And Win Attractive Prizes At The Seminar!

In Thailand, Yokogawa has delivered various successful projects across the solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal industries, including the recent floating solar PV project that addressed the challenges of frequent power trips and reductions due to intermittent power supply and unmatched supply and load profiles.

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Success Story

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Renewables E-Book

About Yokogawa Thailand

Yokogawa provides advanced solutions in the areas of measurement, control, and information to customers across a broad range of industries, including energy, chemicals, materials, pharmaceuticals, and food. Yokogawa addresses customer issues regarding the optimization of production, assets, and the supply chain with the effective application of digital technologies, enabling the transition to autonomous operations. Founded in Tokyo in 1915, Yokogawa continues to work toward a sustainable society through its 17,000+ employees in a global network of 122 companies spanning 61 countries.


The APUEA is an initiative of the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC), a not-for-profit organization that has been promoting sustainable energy and environmental solutions in developing and emerging economies - including in the rapidly developing urban sector—for more than three decades. The APUEA platform promotes public and private sector collaboration to develop sustainable urban energy systems that support livable cities across the Asia Pacific region. The Association serves as an information hub to support city policymakers, program managers, and other stakeholders in the design, development, and implementation of sustainable urban energy systems. Through activities, events, and continuous outreach to its members, the APUEA shares international and regional best practices for planning and implementing sustainable urban energy systems—including policies and regulations, business models, and technologies for implementing district heating and cooling, smart grids, energy efficiency improvements, and renewable energy systems. 


For more information, contact us at or visit

Yokogawa (Thailand) Ltd.
799 Rama 9 Road, Bangkapi, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Phone: (66)-2-715-8600  Fax: (66)-2-715-8688

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